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Huntsman Cancer Institute and Children's Miracle Network Hospitals

Sigma Chi’s core values are friendship, justice and learning. Our mission is to develop values-based leaders committed to the betterment of character, campus and community. Reaching out and assisting the community is one of the prominent values that lies within our organization.
Through organizing Derby Days, our signature fundraising event hosted by all chapters internationally, the brothers of Sigma Chi continue to build strong, positive relationships with Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals, Huntsman Cancer Foundation, local families and the community. Sigma Chi joined Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals as a philanthropy partner in Since partnering with the Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals in 1986, Sigma Chi has continued to raise the amount of funds accumulated annually.
Founded by Alumni Brother Jon Huntsman, the Huntsman Cancer Institute is dedicated to finding the causes of cancer, developing new and improved treatments, and preventing the development of the disease. HCI was chosen as Sigma Chi’s preferred philanthropy because countless Sigs and their families have been directly affected by cancer, the second-leading cause of death in the United States.

Philanthropy: Welcome
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